Mexico City, D. F.
February 2010.
February 2010.
Dear Comrades of IUSY.
I wish this year 2010 is full of successes and achievements in your political career and that the professional goals in our organization are met, because the challenges are great. I would expect giving you a big hug and I'm hoping we will further strengthening our friendship, solidarity and brotherhood, we have grown within IUSY. I wish again that our fraternity will last a lifetime. In me, you always have a friend and comrade. In our dreams and future struggles we will fight together.
The challenges in life are enormous, but in our organization things are even more interesting. Strengthen socialism, social democracy and democratic socialism throughout the world, from a young and progressive point of view, is our primary objective. We train new leaders of the millennium to find possible solutions to every crisis that the world suffers under the irresponsible and greedy neoliberal’s and free market capitalism.
The food crisis, the war industry development, ethnic conflict, the cruel third world poverty, global warming and climate change, lack of opportunities for young people, the growth of authoritarianism with an intolerant right’s minorities rights issues and the development of nationalistic cultures, the abuse of women, the LGBT community and indigenous peoples in the absence of true gender equality, discrimination and criminalization of migrants and the Islamic community, the growth of pandemics and the illegal drug industry are just some issues that must be considered. As conscious young socialists we should seek the best possible actions to find solutions to the economic model imposed.
Building a new model and the contribution that the young will give to it, is a big challenge. The process has begun with the democratic socialism successfully implemented in Latin America, one of the most unequal but nevertheless significantly progressive regions in the world.
The effort represented by leftist governments in Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and Mexico City, among other nations without forgetting the European examples, are signs that organized people that are aware of their reality, can transform democratically and peacefully their nations. We should begin a strong war on poverty (as was our motto at the World Festival of IUSY in 2009), inequality and lack of opportunities.
The richness in diversity which stands at the core of our movement, allows us to know examples and ways to develop political and democratic socialism and social democracy, in a genuine and effective way, according to each particular national situation.
This invaluable diversity of our global movement, has allowed us to recognize the great contributions of our socialist and political leaders who have built throughout our continents, prime examples of fight in our line of political thought.
From Marx, Engels, Salvador Allende, Rosa Luxemburg, Ernesto Guevara, Friedrich Ebert, José Martí, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Haya de la Torre, Olof Palme, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi, Lázaro Cárdenas, Willy Brandt to Emiliano Zapata, among many others, have strongly represented the struggles of their time. Today, we are heirs and to honor it, we must do our best and with the same passion and political will, transform our world: a world with more freedom, equality, universal solidarity, multilateralism, human rights, participation in democracy and political vocation to resolve conflicts peacefully, as established in our general lines of action of our international organization.
I proudly participated in IUSY for over 10 years, first as a delegate of my organization and now as Vice President. I know very well the strengths and challenges to overcome. We need greater sensitivity to initiate a legitimate internal reform and to address the financial challenges effectively. We must generate an ideological debate to find directions to the challenges presented by a reality that changes every minute, for specific problems facing our regions and the important issues we need to address with great responsibility: Burma, Tibet, Western Sahara, the Palestinian State, the Balkans and Black Sea area, peace in middle east, military bases in Latin America, Taiwan, authoritarianism and exclusion in Africa, among many other topics.
Dear friends and comrades:
I thought deeply of all these processes and I understand the responsibility we have in these times. We must strengthen our 5 Committees, 5 Working groups and our national organizations. We must help the regions and continents and expand our influence well beyond our world headquarters. This premise will strengthen each organization in turn strengthen a modern and influential IUSY.
For these reasons and more, let me share with you that since the Youth of the Democratic Revolution Party of Mexico (J-PRD), we decided to apply my candidacy for IUSY WORLD PRESIDENT so will be able to present it at the XXVIII World Congress in Sweden.
My organization and my Mother Party agree, with also many friendly voices in Mexico, Latin America and various countries in other continents, that we have the finest elements to provide a serious, objective, honest, transparent and inclusive coordination as the next IUSY World President.
We know that there are many valuable leaderships, which we recognize and in turn we hope that your organization would value and promote this modest proposal, enabling our American Committee to be represented in the Presidency, for a Latin American comrade.
The strength of my convictions, my political training, academic, human and social, it invites me to come confidently to you. I hope that for the friendship that characterizes us and because of the frank and respectful relationship of each and everyone in my Committee we will be able to suggest a UNITY CANDIDATE who has the confidence and support of each organization represented in IUSY. I am a leftist militant, I believe in solid principles, I am consistent and I like saying up front what I think. Therefore I consider it important that you know our position, so we can all reflect on these major challenges in our lives.
For me IUSY has been the best experience of my life, so I want to serve it again, much better. My conviction is NOT run for elected office in my country, because my priority is to represent the noblest sentiments of the young socialists in the world and Latin America. Humbly, I think your Mexican comrade has the experience, capacity, and moral and political sensitivity necessary, to be fair and accountable to the challenges of our international organization. I am aware of the commitment and desire to meet the challenge.
My descent in one of the indigenous peoples of Mexico and my political training in a organization of farmer in the poorest state (Oaxaca) of Mexico, has made me a sensitive young man, concerned to participate in politics to change the conditions of life of those who have less. My work with indigenous people, peasants-farmers, students, women, environmentalists, gays, disabled, migrants and children, enabled me to see and feel the many daily struggles that disadvantaged people make to change my country. I am convinced that within IUSY we all share the same hopes, fights and through them lessons. We know that young leaders from other organizations and countries are committed to the same goals and they represent.
This are the hopes that inspire me today and that are driving me to ask you for your support, solidarity and sympathy on this proposal; to build together a present and a great future for IUSY. We deserve it.
I hope that the sum of our desires more just, may allow consensus about my candidacy and to be next IUSY PRESIDENT.
Thanks for everything, thanks for your friendship and trust.
I wish this year 2010 is full of successes and achievements in your political career and that the professional goals in our organization are met, because the challenges are great. I would expect giving you a big hug and I'm hoping we will further strengthening our friendship, solidarity and brotherhood, we have grown within IUSY. I wish again that our fraternity will last a lifetime. In me, you always have a friend and comrade. In our dreams and future struggles we will fight together.
The challenges in life are enormous, but in our organization things are even more interesting. Strengthen socialism, social democracy and democratic socialism throughout the world, from a young and progressive point of view, is our primary objective. We train new leaders of the millennium to find possible solutions to every crisis that the world suffers under the irresponsible and greedy neoliberal’s and free market capitalism.
The food crisis, the war industry development, ethnic conflict, the cruel third world poverty, global warming and climate change, lack of opportunities for young people, the growth of authoritarianism with an intolerant right’s minorities rights issues and the development of nationalistic cultures, the abuse of women, the LGBT community and indigenous peoples in the absence of true gender equality, discrimination and criminalization of migrants and the Islamic community, the growth of pandemics and the illegal drug industry are just some issues that must be considered. As conscious young socialists we should seek the best possible actions to find solutions to the economic model imposed.
Building a new model and the contribution that the young will give to it, is a big challenge. The process has begun with the democratic socialism successfully implemented in Latin America, one of the most unequal but nevertheless significantly progressive regions in the world.
The effort represented by leftist governments in Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and Mexico City, among other nations without forgetting the European examples, are signs that organized people that are aware of their reality, can transform democratically and peacefully their nations. We should begin a strong war on poverty (as was our motto at the World Festival of IUSY in 2009), inequality and lack of opportunities.
The richness in diversity which stands at the core of our movement, allows us to know examples and ways to develop political and democratic socialism and social democracy, in a genuine and effective way, according to each particular national situation.
This invaluable diversity of our global movement, has allowed us to recognize the great contributions of our socialist and political leaders who have built throughout our continents, prime examples of fight in our line of political thought.
From Marx, Engels, Salvador Allende, Rosa Luxemburg, Ernesto Guevara, Friedrich Ebert, José Martí, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Haya de la Torre, Olof Palme, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi, Lázaro Cárdenas, Willy Brandt to Emiliano Zapata, among many others, have strongly represented the struggles of their time. Today, we are heirs and to honor it, we must do our best and with the same passion and political will, transform our world: a world with more freedom, equality, universal solidarity, multilateralism, human rights, participation in democracy and political vocation to resolve conflicts peacefully, as established in our general lines of action of our international organization.
I proudly participated in IUSY for over 10 years, first as a delegate of my organization and now as Vice President. I know very well the strengths and challenges to overcome. We need greater sensitivity to initiate a legitimate internal reform and to address the financial challenges effectively. We must generate an ideological debate to find directions to the challenges presented by a reality that changes every minute, for specific problems facing our regions and the important issues we need to address with great responsibility: Burma, Tibet, Western Sahara, the Palestinian State, the Balkans and Black Sea area, peace in middle east, military bases in Latin America, Taiwan, authoritarianism and exclusion in Africa, among many other topics.
Dear friends and comrades:
I thought deeply of all these processes and I understand the responsibility we have in these times. We must strengthen our 5 Committees, 5 Working groups and our national organizations. We must help the regions and continents and expand our influence well beyond our world headquarters. This premise will strengthen each organization in turn strengthen a modern and influential IUSY.
For these reasons and more, let me share with you that since the Youth of the Democratic Revolution Party of Mexico (J-PRD), we decided to apply my candidacy for IUSY WORLD PRESIDENT so will be able to present it at the XXVIII World Congress in Sweden.
My organization and my Mother Party agree, with also many friendly voices in Mexico, Latin America and various countries in other continents, that we have the finest elements to provide a serious, objective, honest, transparent and inclusive coordination as the next IUSY World President.
We know that there are many valuable leaderships, which we recognize and in turn we hope that your organization would value and promote this modest proposal, enabling our American Committee to be represented in the Presidency, for a Latin American comrade.
The strength of my convictions, my political training, academic, human and social, it invites me to come confidently to you. I hope that for the friendship that characterizes us and because of the frank and respectful relationship of each and everyone in my Committee we will be able to suggest a UNITY CANDIDATE who has the confidence and support of each organization represented in IUSY. I am a leftist militant, I believe in solid principles, I am consistent and I like saying up front what I think. Therefore I consider it important that you know our position, so we can all reflect on these major challenges in our lives.
For me IUSY has been the best experience of my life, so I want to serve it again, much better. My conviction is NOT run for elected office in my country, because my priority is to represent the noblest sentiments of the young socialists in the world and Latin America. Humbly, I think your Mexican comrade has the experience, capacity, and moral and political sensitivity necessary, to be fair and accountable to the challenges of our international organization. I am aware of the commitment and desire to meet the challenge.
My descent in one of the indigenous peoples of Mexico and my political training in a organization of farmer in the poorest state (Oaxaca) of Mexico, has made me a sensitive young man, concerned to participate in politics to change the conditions of life of those who have less. My work with indigenous people, peasants-farmers, students, women, environmentalists, gays, disabled, migrants and children, enabled me to see and feel the many daily struggles that disadvantaged people make to change my country. I am convinced that within IUSY we all share the same hopes, fights and through them lessons. We know that young leaders from other organizations and countries are committed to the same goals and they represent.
This are the hopes that inspire me today and that are driving me to ask you for your support, solidarity and sympathy on this proposal; to build together a present and a great future for IUSY. We deserve it.
I hope that the sum of our desires more just, may allow consensus about my candidacy and to be next IUSY PRESIDENT.
Thanks for everything, thanks for your friendship and trust.
Fighting unit, all win!
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