With the "deep racism" U.S. "pure miracle" have not killed the Democrat, said.
Havana, Oct. 12. Fidel Castro re-emphasized the qualities of the U.S. Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama, this time to say that "exceeds in intelligence and serenity" to Republican John McCain, but the former Cuban president still does not react to the announced intention of the senator from Illinois to try a dialogue with Havana "without preconditions".
On May 26 Castro had said that Obama is "in terms of social and human, the most advanced candidate" presidential in the United States, but rejected most of the Democrat's policy toward the island.
This Sunday, former Cuban president said in an article in the "deep racism" of the United States, "pure miracle" Obama has not been assassinated, as black leaders Martin Luther King and Malcolm X four decades ago. "It also has the habit of looking at the opponent calmly and laugh at the predicament of a dialectical opponent that looks toward the void." Castro, 82 years and absent from public life due to illness since July 2006, spent five comments to McCain last February and then another in June.
In the same line of disqualifications, on Sunday added that the Republican "cultivates its reputation as bellicose man, was one of the worst students in his course at West Point. I did not know anything about math, according confesses and is presumably much less the complicated economics. " Then he said that "what McCain are more plentiful in the years and his health is not at all sure."
So evoked the "eventual possibility" that if the Republican triumph and dies or becomes incapacitated, would be replaced by "inexperienced" candidate for the vice presidency, Sarah Palin. In his article in May, Castro had said that "would make a huge favor to his adversaries" to defend if Obama, but are clear about their praise for the Democrats and their attacks on McCain, a scheme that in some nuclei, such as the anti-radical Florida, can be a weapon election of Republicans.
The official newspaper Granma is registering the campaign with a tone remarkably measured and analytical, not shrapnel from the usual adjectives that official propaganda, through articles of the experienced diplomat and former head of the Cuban Interests Section in Washington (1977-1989 ), Ramon Sanchez-Parodi.
In a speech in Miami in May, Obama made it so far is his most detailed presentation on his eventual policy toward Cuba, which includes the formula of "direct diplomacy, both with friends and with adversaries, without preconditions." Although still short of election results and the actual performance of the future head of the White House, this passage is related to the claim, repeated by President Raúl Castro on July 26, 2007, that if Washington decides to maintain the confrontation "or accepts that the olive branch extended (December 2006), when we reaffirm the willingness to discuss on an equal footing the prolonged dispute.
"Later, on July 31, 2007, Fidel Castro wrote that "nobody makes the slightest illusion that the empire, which carries with it the genes of its own destruction, will negotiate with Cuba." In his article last May, Fidel Obama rejected the intention of prolonging the economic blockade and acid reaction to the Democrat's pledge to release travel to the island by Cubans residing in the United States, as well as sending remittances to their relatives Now all this under significant restrictions.
"The candidate Obama's speech can be translated into a formula of hunger for the nation, remittances as alms and the visits to Cuba in propaganda for consumerism and the unsustainable way of life that sustains it," he said then, Fidel Castro.