* First brigade of the National Movement in Defense of Oil, at the Monument to the Revolution Ladies and gentlemen: Thank you very much for being present at this gathering.
Thank you very much for keeping their beliefs and willingness to fight for just causes. Thank you very much at all, at all, volunteers, citizens, women and men of all states present in the country today.
Ladies and gentlemen: As we have been saying, and we all know, are waging the struggle for the defense of oil in the midst of a tremendous economic crisis and social disintegration. So in these dark moments, the first thing is to have clarity about what is happening, so that by fatigue and bombardment against us in the media, we rush, make wrong decisions and make mistakes.
First, it is essential to know how it originated this economic crisis. As we have said on other occasions, the Mexican crisis comes time ago, but has deepened since the beginning of the eighties, when a group of potentates, owners feeling in the world, ordered his technical design and its politicians and apply a model that would enable it to completely take control of nation states, natural resources and property of the vast majority of human beings. Here you are giving as a fact that was for them a great reform-end may still leave some interesting business. " So much for the note from the newspaper.
Yesterday Saturday, when we released this information in a manifesto published in the newspaper La Jornada, pose the following questions: what our detractors say now with this evidence, with these tests? Is it going to admit honestly that we are right? And from here we say: Say what you say, act as acting, the truth is the truth, as hoped, is a powerful force and ends always prevail.
Therefore, girlfriends and friends, we have taken the decision to introduce on Tuesday before the House of Deputies, to continue with peaceful civil resistance and support our colleagues who surely are going to vigorously defend the oil and patriotism. The call to all and all-you-so, from 8 in the morning, we gather in the Zocalo to march towards the Chamber of Deputies, are we in agreement? (The assembly answered yes) Do we agree? (The assembly answered yes) That lifted his hand. It will. Les advancement, because there's always the question, what next?, You always want to know where do we go? I say, to be perfectly clear: We are not going to stop fighting, we will not stop working in the organization of the people, we are not going to stop mobilizing.
Let me be completely clear this. Since then, we will be watching what is the pace and depth that we will give our movement. We are not going to rush or we will heed the strategies that we intend to our adversaries. This matter what we have to do with a lot of responsibility. We have to care much this movement, because I tell them that I know, I am confident that sooner rather than later we will achieve the goal of transforming the public life of Mexico.
That is why we have confidence. Les advancement to the defense of oil will continue, we will defend our territory and national sovereignty. Would you like to hand you a lot of our territory to foreign companies? (The assembly answered no) No one would like. I am sure that most Mexicans do not accept this. What happens is that they have no information and have been cheated, but when you go in knowing what this reform, especially the subject, most Mexicans will say no!, To surrender our territory. No! to dispose of our land, which violates national sovereignty. That's why we think we are going forward. In addition to what on Tuesday will continue the mobilizations, we will claim all the resources at our disposal.
We will be present when they want to adopt the rules of the National Hydrocarbons, which aims to decide on the allocation of the blocks. Also under appeal and other legal measures for which I am sure we will have the support of the best lawyers in Mexico. Even going to international forums, and give notice, notify each of the foreign companies, in the sense that we will not allow them to deliver our territory into pieces, so they know what to expect. Monitor each of the decisions that have to do with this and other matters related to oil. And all this will be supported with the mobilization of civil society, so as not to come out with theirs. Ladies and gentlemen: This struggle continues. Not only that, not only that: we are facing many other tasks. We should remember that our main goal is the transformation of public life in Mexico.
And until we achieve that goal, where it can already say that missed. But even then, nor will those who will feel satisfied and may argue, rightly, to fight for justice, freedom, dignity and genuine democracy, is a way of life and to stop fighting is like starting to die. Otherwise there is no doubt that it is our task and our mission is profoundly human. There is no greater satisfaction to fight for others and for just causes.
This is true happiness. Here I would like to technicians, experts and intellectuals from positions independent and fully exercise their freedom, have contributed to this movement not only their knowledge and experiences, but above all their dedication to the selfless people and the nation. In particular, our thanks to members of the Committee of Intellectuals in Defense of Oil. And a heartfelt tribute to all and to all of you who are the soul and most important of our movement. It is an honor to be a leader of men and women are free and conscious as you. I have reason to be calm and serene, but a decisive factor, which gives me more security, is the participation of you, the selfless participation of you.
That is the most important of the movement. It is no cebollazo, is not to be believing too much. I'm not doing the beard, but this is the reality. Imagine, in 10 or 12 days, how many times we have collected, how much effort, how much sacrifice. What our adversaries are betting? For that we are going to wear. But neither may have failed. Why can not? For you, because when there is a people conscious, there's nothing you wear. This is very important. Since then, we have to take care of our movement, it is not every day. No, this is when it is needed or when required so that we continue as at present.
They have never failed you, have never failed. That's why we never are going to fail them. I ask for something special. Let us bear in mind that this fight has been, is and will remain peaceful. Do we agree with that? (The assembly answered yes) That we do not fall into the trap of violence. I say that I respect those who think differently, but I do not share the idea that the path of confrontation and violence is likely to lead to the transformation in our country. I think this road would create more sacrifice and more authoritarian.
That is, we would be giving the excuse that they want to stop our movement. So we continue with peaceful civil resistance. Therefore, we have to read and we will ask fellow intellectuals and writers who write about this subject on the lives of leaders who have applied this strategy of peaceful civil resistance. More is known about Martin Luther King, a defender of civil rights in his country, which is more widely known, of course, about Gandhi, Mandela and all these social fighters. There's great experiences.
Of course, adapted to what is our reality. So, we do not get out of that path. That's what I would like the retroprade and authoritarian right. I would like to see us face to the police and the army to implement the tough, authoritarianism, because they do not have anything else, they have no reason and ashamed of what they do that, until recently, said they were men and women good, decent people, people with principles, with morals. And look at what they have done. Have been removed and the masks are people without scruples, which are nothing more towards the material, that the only thing they care about is money, suffering from the disease. They therefore do not fall into the trap of them.
We are going well and we are good. They know that the more we are attacked, as I said a potosino, the journalist Ponciano Arriaga, an outstanding forerunner of the Revolution, he said: The more you beat me, I feel more dignified. We are not angry. Fight with joy. However, we have to convince with arguments. That's why the approach of going to inform, because it's not that many people are against us, or you have hatred against us, is that it has no information. That is the truth. Why? Because there is a lot of control in the media, are suffering from this kind of dictatorship, totalitarianism in the media. So we have to inform and we have to keep doing this demand.
Do not think that we closed in Televisa and it will be. No, suddenly, one day I will go to lodge there, I will stop at the door of that company, I want to ask for time, I want space. Freedom is not implores, is conquest. We need to open all sites. And, again, not only for us but because society in an informed, has more features and represents a powerful force, the force of public opinion, which serves as a counterweight to those who are in power, whoever , And would have to be moderate.
But if there is no such force of public opinion, because there is a control of the media, then were allowed to commit abuses and atrocities, is seen as something normal corruption, looting. It is proven that an informed society that has made possible a better society for all. So we have to fight for that, because open media. Another thing I want to make it very clear: We have nothing against the workers of the media, the cameramen, reporters and photographers. It is not with them. They understand this well. This has to do with interests of very top. Therefore, go ahead. They are going to continue, I hope I am wrong, with their campaigns of slander and hatred in the media. But they can never keep quiet or co-opted or submit.
1 comentario:
Good luck in Mexico compañero,
Here in brazil, we keep in the struggle for a better world, for a socialist world. Kind regards!
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